Noita - Epilogue 2 Update
Noita » Devlog
Noita Epilogue 2 Update is now available.
This update includes a ton of new things, like new spells, new enemies, new bosses, a new area and new secrets. There's also a bunch of tweaks, updates and bug fixes.
Unfortunately your old save games won't survive the update. So don't update the game (or download the old version) before finishing your god runs.
- FEATURE: Spell - Sparkly bounce
- FEATURE: Spell - Lightning bounce
- FEATURE: Spell - Vacuum bounce
- FEATURE: Spell - Null shot
- FEATURE: Spell - Inner spell
- FEATURE: Spell - Giga white hole
- FEATURE: Spell - True orbit
- FEATURE: Spell - Hookbolt
- FEATURE: Spell - Anti homing
- FEATURE: Spell - Holy lance
- FEATURE: Added 8 modifier spells
- FEATURE: Added 6 new enemies
- FEATURE: Added 6 new spells
- FEATURE: Added 3 new secret spells
- FEATURE: Added new rare materials
- FEATURE: Added chemical reactions
- FEATURE: Added new small biome
- FEATURE: Item - Utility box
- FEATURE: Potion reactions
- FEATURE: Audio is muted when unfocusing the game if "Pause the game when unfocused" is On
- FEATURE: Amazing golden spell
- FEATURE: 3 new bossfights
- FEATURE: Added a new creature
- FEATURE: New materials and reactions
- FEATURE: New secret quest
- FEATURE: Added a new easter egg
- UPDATE: Dupe around and find out
- UPDATE: Better interaction with No Wand Tinkering and Tinker With Wands Everywhere perks
- UPDATE: Lukki Minion is slightly more powerful
- UPDATE: Spells can now be dropped from inventory at all times
- UPDATE: Spell drop rates rebalanced
- UPDATE: Explosive bounce's radius increased
- UPDATE: Shiny Orb is now more lucrative
- UPDATE: Moved a boss into a slightly more accessible spot
- UPDATE: Adjusted various spell mana costs and prices
- UPDATE: Adjusted weakness modifiers
- UPDATE: Updated the look of the Hiisi Alchemist's potions
- UPDATE: Potion content percentages are displayed now (Thank you Evaisa)
- UPDATE: Vomiting now requires eating a bit more nasty materials
- UPDATE: Buffed Vampirism
- UPDATE: A little surprise for the turophiles
- UPDATE: Audio - new sounds for [REDACTED], glue, eldritch portal, freezing gaze, barrier & wall spells
- UPDATE: Audio - bzzzt
- UPDATE: Audio - new sound for [REDACTED]
- UPDATE: Audio - new music for a few side areas
- UPDATE: Powder pouches have a new functionality
- UPDATE: New enemies show their statuses in the UI
- UPDATE: Visual, audio and other fx when moving very fast
- UPDATE: Tele bolt resets caster's vertical velocity
- UPDATE: Less harsh sound for tele bolt for more pleasant tele spamming experience
- UPDATE: Improved camera tracking when moving fast
- UPDATE: Lukki Minion should no longer be killable to make it more useful
- UPDATE: Optimized file system performance when using mods
- UPDATE: Optimized performance of some game effect queries in various systems
- UPDATE: All bosses use final boss style health bars
- UPDATE: Added up to date localizations
- BUGFIX: Nightmare mode - the boss arena and orb rooms could be overwritten
- BUGFIX: Nightmare mode - Orbs should now drop hearts even if the spell is unlocked
- BUGFIX: Nightmare mode - enemies no longer spawn with Attract Gold perk
- BUGFIX: Permanent polymorph is permanent
- BUGFIX: Carrying 5th wand by frame perfect swapping is fixed
- BUGFIX: Rare crash when enemy was converted to a ragdoll (text sprite) (Thank you Dexter Castor Döpping)
- BUGFIX: Fixed another inventory exploit, that allowed carrying of extra wands
- BUGFIX: Fixed Lukki Minion sometimes escaping and disappearing
- BUGFIX: Vaihdosmestari can no longer move cursed rock
- BUGFIX: Closing inventory while starting to drag items is fixed
- BUGFIX: Alt tab silliness is should now be fixed
- BUGFIX: Optimized particle effects
- BUGFIX: Player can no longer polymorph to Olematon
- BUGFIX: Runestone of edges could cause Puska to shoot forever
- BUGFIX: Mouse cursor displays the material even in the far lands
- BUGFIX: Optimized Circle of stillness and Freezing gaze
- BUGFIX: Fixed Null shot breaking modifiers cast after it
- BUGFIX: Cosmetic fix to the alchemist's background
- BUGFIX: More optimizations, including Freeze Field perk and Iceball spell
- BUGFIX: Fixed a rare crash that could happen with too many materials
- BUGFIX: Rare wand generation bug (the default green wand should be now fixed)
- BUGFIX: Minor - a perk icon was missing a pixel
- BUGFIX: Fixed a security vulnerability in the modding API (Thank you Dexter Castor Döpping)
- BUGFIX: Fixed Hookbolt having a buggy sprite
- BUGFIX: Fixed Giga White Hole not repelling projectiles
- BUGFIX: Fixed certain spell unlocks happening in an unintended way
- BUGFIX: Physics objects are less likely to fall through the bottom of the world
- BUGFIX: Fixed Explosive Detonator being bugged in certain circumstances
- BUGFIX: Fixed a boss not dropping all the spells it was meant to
- BUGFIX: Fixed a secret dropping spells that it shouldn't
- BUGFIX: Fixed multiple spells have some erroneous/missing data
- BUGFIX: Fixed a rare case of sky being black
- BUGFIX: Nullifying Altar did not remove the perk icons (Thank you Priskip)
- BUGFIX: Related perks should now be removed from the perk pool
- BUGFIX: Surprise puddles behind potions fixed
- BUGFIX: Certain endgame item can now be dragged in the inventory without TWWE
- BUGFIX: Saving and loading while stained caused extra status effects
- BUGFIX: Vomit based status effect glitch is fixed
- BUGFIX: Longer runs should be more stable and largely address aware thanks to Dexter Castor Döpping
- BUGFIX: Game mode selection UI has been optimized
- BUGFIX: Improved overall security of modding API
- BUGFIX: Audio - rewrote audio event stealing logic - should fix issues with audio sometimes "wrapping up" in a janky manner
- BUGFIX: Audio - ambience events no longer trigger lots of silent audio instances - reduces ambience CPU use
- BUGFIX: Audio - droplet sounds would rarely end up repeating without a cause
- BUGFIX: Audio - liquid flow sound was sometimes left playing
- BUGFIX: Fixed a potential issue in regards to file paths
- BUGFIX: Fixed an xml parsing issue
- BUGFIX: A fix caused more issues than it solved
- BUGFIX: A fix broke some translation mods that used custom fonts
- BUGFIX: Possible fix for "Game will restart due to mod changes" without changes
- BUGFIX: Fungal shifts rarely didn't occur
- BUGFIX: Fungal shifts that didn't fully realise still counted towards the maximum limit
- BUGFIX: Certain spells weren't keeping the ID of their caster around like they should've
- BUGFIX: These release notes were so long that the UI had performance issues
- BUGFIX: Some surface areas had no sky light after above areas had been visited, and were not counted as surface by audio etc
- BUGFIX: Final boss hanging around very far from the player could block mini-boss music
- BUGFIX: Wands retain cast delay, recharge etc over a game restart
- BUGFIX: A settings menu item was using a missing translation key when hovered
- BUGFIX: Infinite rain exploit
- BUGFIX: Some localization strings were incorrectly escaped
- BUGFIX: Text in tablets and books didn't display correctly in all languages
- BUGFIX: Fixed issues with UI in some languages
- BUGFIX: More robust mod check when saving bones files
- MODDING: Lua - added PolymorphTableAddEntity
- MODDING: Lua - added PolymorphTableRemoveEntity
- MODDING: Lua - added PolymorphTableGet
- MODDING: Lua - added LoadRagdoll
- MODDING: Lua - GameCreateCosmeticParticle - now with gravity_x and gravity_y
- MODDING: Lua - LoadPixelScene - now with allow_duplicate param
- MODDING: Lua - added PolymorphTableSet
- MODDING: Lua - added ComponentGetTags
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsKeyDown
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsKeyJustDown
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsKeyJustUp
- MODDING: Lua - added InputGetMousePosOnScreen
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsMouseButtonDown
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsMouseButtonJustDown
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsMouseButtonJustUp
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsJoystickButtonDown
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsJoystickButtonJustDown
- MODDING: Lua - added InputGetJoystickAnalogButton
- MODDING: Lua - added InputIsJoystickConnected
- MODDING: Lua - added InputGetJoystickAnalogStick
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsComponentGetTransform, PhysicsComponentSetTransform
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsPosToGamePos, GamePosToPhysicsPos
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetFromEntity, PhysicsBodyIDQueryBodies
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetTransform, PhysicsBodyIDSetTransform
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDApplyForce, PhysicsBodyIDApplyTorque
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetWorldCenter
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetDamping, PhysicsBodyIDSetDamping
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetGravityScale, PhysicsBodyIDSetGravityScale
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetBodyAABB
- MODDING: Lua - added ModDoesFileExist
- MODDING: Lua - added RemovePixelSceneBackgroundSprite and RemovePixelSceneBackgroundSprites
- MODDING: Lua - added EntitiesGetMaxID
- MODDING: Lua - added ModMaterialFilesGet
- MODDING: Lua - added ModRegisterMusicBank (init.lua) and example in mods/example
- MODDING: Lua - added GameGetSkyVisibility, GameGetFogOfWar, GameGetFogOfWarBilinear, GameSetFogOfWar
- MODDING: Lua - added DEBUG_LUA_DONT_REPEAT_ERRORS magic number to log recurring, consecutive errors only once (defaults to 1)
- MODDING: Lua - lua error stack traces
- MODDING: Lua - added ModImageMakeEditable, ModImageIdFromFilename, ModImageSetPixel, ModImageGetPixel
- MODDING: Lua - added ModImageWhoSetContent, ModImageDoesExist
- MODDING: Lua - added ModLuaFileGetAppends, ModLuaFileSetAppends
- MODDING: Lua - added ComponentGetEntity
- MODDING: Lua - added optional 'tag' parameter to EntityGetAllChildren
- MODDING: Lua - exposed ModTextFileGetContent and ModTextFileWhoSetContent to all lua scripts
- MODDING: Lua - made ComponentGet/SetValue2 up to 300% faster. Old ComponentGet/SetValue API is also a bit faster
- MODDING: Lua - added GameSetPostFxTextureParameter, GameUnsetPostFxTextureParameter
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDApplyLinearImpulse, EntityGetHotspot, EntityRemoveStainStatusEffect
- MODDING: Lua - added use_material_colors & replace_existing_cells parameters to EntityConvertToMaterial
- MODDING: Lua - added font and scale options to GuiText, GuiButton and GuiGetTextDimensions
- MODDING: Lua API documentation - improved documentation of some functions
- MODDING: MagicNumber UI_WAND_TAG_OVERWRITES_NAME has been added
- MODDING: MagicNumber GLITCH_ALLOW_5TH_WAND_CARRY has been added
- MODDING: Components - GameEffectComponent - polymorph_target should now work
- MODDING: Components - LaserEmitterComponent - ConfigLaser - added damage_apply_hitbox_dmg_multiplier
- MODDING: Components - PhysicsKeepInWorldComponent - added
- MODDING: Components - AttachToEntityComponent - added
- MODDING: Components - BiomeTrackerComponent - added
- MODDING: ComponentGetValue2() and ComponentSetValue2() now work with types::iaabb
- MODDING: Components - LuaComponent - added limit_all_callbacks to allow limiting of all callbacks
- MODDING: Updated debug_keys.txt
- MODDING: Added support for static_tile biomes, that are like wang biomes without randomization, consisting of one large tile
- MODDING: Added support for static_tile_bg_mask, that are repeating backgrounds with a rough mask that defines the visibility
- MODDING: Added audio_music_trigger_without_danger to Biome. Used in watercave. Also added other new audio-related properties
- MODDING: Added intensity2 parameter to GameEntityPlaySoundLoop
- MODDING: IKLimbWalker, IKLimbsAnimator - exposed ray_skip_material
- MODDING: CharacterPlatforming - added audio_liquid_splash_intensity
- MODDING: PhysicsAI works better with non-levitating creatures
- MODDING: Added auto-generated any_liquid any any_powder Material tags
- MODDING: Audio - reports filename on bank load error
- MODDING: Improved init.lua API documentation
- MODDING: Fixed a possible rare crash when using the mod API in not recommended ways
- MODDING: CharacterData/CharacterCollision - added dont_update_velocity_and_xform
- MODDING: Exposed some path finding debug rendering features in F7 menu
- MODDING: Materials.xml loading - doesn't log error if a material would have reaction to itself because of a reaction with duplicate material from tags
- MODDING: Entity xml - added _remove_from_base (on Base components) to exclude components from base entities
- MODDING: Added 'json' to accepted file types of ModTextFileGet/SetContent and workshop uploader
- MODDING: Default biome map loads via 'data/scripts/biome_map.lua' (makes biome map multi-mod editing less of a hassle)
- MODDING: fungal_shift.lua doesn't call CellFactory_GetType on file scope, so mods can use the file before that function is ok to call
- MODDING: Biome - added parameters to control parallax bg look
- MODDING: MaterialAreaCheckerComponent - added always_check_fullness & count_min
- MODDING: IKLimbsAnimatorComponent - added is_limp,
- MODDING: GameStatsComponent - dont_do_logplayerkill
- MODDING: PhysicsShapeComponent - added material
- MODDING: AnimalAIComponent - added keep_state_alive_when_enabled (without this AnimalAI can get stuck in no state when Disabled & Enabled)
- MODDING: VegetationComponent - added random_flip_x_scale
- MODDING: CellData - added vegetation_random_flip_x_scale
- MODDING: CellData - added is_grass_hashed (for more natural look when grass grows on a long, flat horizontal surface)
- MODDING: PotionComponent - added custom_color_material
- MODDING/BUGFIX: Removing a game mode mod while there was an active run with it could make the game crash or behave weirdly
- MODDING/BUGFIX: Pressing "Install mods..." in mods menu would take one back to the main menu
- MODDING/BUGFIX: EntitySerializer couldn't always update entities on hot load changes
- MODDING/BUGFIX: Fixed a warning on game start if MaterialAreaChecker.material2 is not set
- MODDING/BUGFIX: ModSettingGetNextValue returned setting key if no next value is set for the setting (now returns nil)
Files 1.3 GB
Version 20 Apr 08, 2024
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A magical action rogue-lite where every pixel is simulated.
Status | Released |
Author | Nolla Games |
Genre | Action, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Fantasy, Physics, Pixel Art, Roguelike, Roguelite |
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- BUGFIXES - JAN 25 202538 days ago
- BUGFIXES - AUG 12 2024Aug 12, 2024
- BUGFIXES - APR 30 2024Apr 30, 2024
- BUGFIXES - FEB 14 2024Feb 14, 2024
- BUGFIXES - JAN 18 2024Jan 18, 2024
- BUGFIXES - DEC 21 2023Dec 20, 2023
- BUGFIXES - DEC 15 2023Dec 15, 2023
- BUGFIXES - DEC 13 2023Dec 13, 2023
- BUGFIXES - AUG 29 2023Aug 29, 2023
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Oh boy, new enemies to kill and new spell for me to kill myself.
RIP my kinda god run, but I was bored of it anyways.